




其实高尔夫也牺牲了自己的翅膀来换取我和管家么的一切。他忍受思乡之苦到国外工作,归来时带给我们一家更好的生活,但代价却是一段陌生的亲子关系。他让我一心一意去念书,不用我像一些朋友为了学费和生活费烦恼,有些甚至必须半工半读。只要是我想做的,他和刀马旦大致上都会给予满分的支持,很少过问。那天吃饭时看见一个ASTRO的广告,讲诉一对父子的关系。这一次,我很自制,没流泪但却也克制得瞒辛苦。因为高尔夫很像广告里的父亲角色,他也许不了解我要的是什么,但却把我的生活打点得很好,甚至比我自己还好。也许我应该向ORKED的妈妈 (SEPET) 学习,因为高尔夫只要爱我们一家人就好了,了解是其次。。。
P/S: 写这篇blog时,我吓坏了两个 room mates, 因为我哭到很凶。不是伤心,只是一时感触,但感觉很好!

5 Things I Like About BK

there are people like Ahua & Aping who yelled at me n warned that I eat my lunch/ dinner before I start my work.
when there r problems, there r people like Abow who reminded me that: “ BK is not only yours, this is not your problem but it is OUR problem!”
there are Awi & Atiang who are willing to send me by their motor when I need a lift home in the middle of the night or I need immediate help to go to a far place.
there are people like Asee who are willing to stay back and do the work with me or people like Ata who volunteered to help me when I was busy.
when someone were “shot” by lecturers, there are people who will at least speak up or stand up and clear the clouds.

5 Things I Hate About BK

there are people who scold or criticized me when I volunteered to help
there are people who gave me a stab at the back besides pushing all the responsibilities to me.
there are people who don’t even appreciate what I have done but gave me a face like I have owe them a million ringgit
there are people who can’t do the job and disturb other people
there are people who dare to point fingers to other people when they are the troublemakers

# After what had happen in BK recently, I was deeply disappointed and hurt. So, I change my mind alas. I hope I can relax more & stop worrying too much for BK. After all, other people should be given the chance to grow up too. However, I must thank Biscuit, Asoon, Atine and others who trusted me and supported me when I was exhausted and frustrated. Thanks, without you guys I’ll never understand and stand up again. Thanks for being there!!! \(^_^)/